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Richard Branson Suki Tea

A couple of weeks ago Becca Hume came to us with an exciting idea - she wanted to create tea for Richard Branson!! Of course we were intrigued... and so we invited Becca up to hear her story.

Becca had won the regional Virgin Voom pitch competition earlier this year with the fantastic prize of £5000 and the opportunity to have brunch with Richard Branson. Becca wanted to bring a little bit of Belfast with her on her visit so after discovering Branson's love for tea, who better to help her on her mission, than us! Following a conversation over a cuppa, it didn't take long before TapSOS and the Virgin Media Business team were joining us in Suki Tea HQ ready to do something that normally takes six months to do... create a new blend of tea! All in the space of one morning and with plenty of innovation flowing "Branson Brew" was ready!

Oscar Woolley, Suki Tea Director said "It was a fantastic experience to assist Becca Hume from TapSOS with her "Brunch with Branson" visit and to hear all about her exciting plans for this amazing app and it's future. Becca approached Suki Tea about creating a special gift for Richard Branson and as he is known for being an avid tea drinker, we wanted to create something extra special. We helped create a one off ‘Branson Brew’ along with a whole bunch of personalised tea kit so Richard Branson could enjoy a cuppa whilst learning all about Becca’s project. An honour to be involved and looking forward to hearing what’s next for Becca and the team."

You can see how Oscar, Becca and their talented friends got on at Suki HQ in this short video:


You can find & follow more on Becca's story and TapSOS here: Brunch with Branson

TapSOS is an emergency app designed to connect the user with the emergency services and communicate in a non-verbal way. TapSOS has been designed to be highly visual, to offer a non-verbal method of contacting help. The user will be able to access Police, Ambulance, Fire Service and Coast Guard, without making a sound. It works through a step-by-step selection process through icons and some questions. TapSOS are ready to revolutionise the UK’s Emergency 999 Service.

#brunchwithbranson #collaboration #lastingmemory #tapsos #richardbranson #virginmedia