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Our first step in communicating nour commitment was through taking the CLIMATE ACTION PLEDGE led by BITCNI, of which we are founding members of the Responsible Small Business Network in Northern Ireland Businesses must play their part in ensuring a liveable future and to limit the increase in global temperature to 1.5°C.




1) Measure and report on Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)

2) Build the strategy as to how we plan to reduce our GHG emissions and meet the target to reduce it as a business by 50% by 2030.

3) Commit to measure and reduce our Scope 3 emissions.


We are pleased with the progress made through the combined passion and efforts of our TEAm in reducing our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions thus far from our 2019 baseline and have reached 100% reduction in our scope 2 emissions in 2023 with our investment in our new solar powered, 100% renewable energy Tea Factory. This is an ongoing journey for us and signing up to the Climate Action Pledge is just one measure of our commitment. In 2022 our Environmental Team at Suki (comprising 50% of our staff members and Directors) have undertaken the Climate Action Programme to ensure we deliver on a net zero carbon strategy and take affirmative and long-lasting action, enshrined in everything we do as a business.  Two of our team members have successfully completed the Carbon Literacy Training and we have shared that awareness of the carbon dioxide costs and impacts of everyday activities, and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions with an internal training session for our entire Suki Team.

Read more here:

Home - The Carbon Literacy Project


Fairtrade Premium investments made by tea farmers and workers contribute to many of the SDGs. SDG 2: Zero Hunger (39% of spending) aims to achieve food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture, in this case through spending on agricultural tools and inputs including fertilisers, crop storage and infrastructure. 21% of Fairtrade Premium spending contributed to SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. This mainly included contributions to subsidised shops or goods for workers and transportation for workers. 20% of Fairtrade Premium funds contributed to SDG 4: Quality Education, including school meals, computers and uniforms.

Thank you to all our customers –
Through your choice to buy our Fairtrade Tea you are showing businesses and governments that you believe in a fair and just trade. We are proud to state that, from our extensive range of teas, on average 60% of our tonnage sold are Fairtrade certified.

To learn more about Fairtrade visit FAIRTRADE FOUNDATION

The popularity of these teas is testament to an overall growing consumer demand for ethical purchasing, a trend we actively encourage among  our community by providing an ethically-sourced, great tasting, high quality cuppa. So sit back, relax and be confident that you two have joined our community of loose leaf tea drinkers, that you are doing your bit to support people, plant and planet by enjoying a cup of SUKI tea.

We’re in it for the long haul.

Suki Tea Makers are SEDEX members, signing up to visibility for Supplier Ethical Data Exchange, whose 4 pillars are Labour Rights, Health & Safety, Environmental Practices, and Business Ethics. We develop enduring relationships with suppliers who share our principles and adhere to our strict sourcing policies, mitigating risk and building trust in those long standing partnerships. Our aim is to source all tea products, ingredients, accessories and packaging in the most ethical and sustainable way.  Although many of our teas carry at least one certification such as Fairtrade and Organic, and are thus subject to these audits on their gardens, we understand that the tea industry is considered high risk on issues of Human Rights and Modern Slavery. Our strict Supplier Approval System places modern slavery factors at the top of the agenda, a pre requisite to doing business and reviewed regularly. As a minimum, the supplier will adhere to the standards set out in the ‘Ethical Trade Initiative’ ETI Base Code, an internationally recognised code of labour practice. Explore more about the ETI Base Code here:

Many customers ask us about our tea and its packaging, whether it is plastic-free, and where it can be recycled so we thought we’d answer all your questions in one place. Making sure you know where to dispose of all your tea packaging once you’ve enjoyed your favourite loose leaf tea! There's a bit to it so we've devoted a whole page to it . . . learn more here.


“The glamour of a tea trader could be wiped out with couriers and email but it’s always been very important for us to know who is involved at picking level upwards, how the tea is produced and what the processes used are. You can never learn enough about the process or taste enough. Travelling to source is a crucial part of our ethos about being transparent and understanding that a sustainable culture is promoted in the gardens”

Oscar Woolley- Suki Tea Taster